Content Creation

What Type Of Content Should I Be Creating For My Private Practice?

Content marketing is the best way to reach your target audience and gain their attention. It establishes you as a credible resource, builds your expertise in the industry, and puts your name in front of your target audience. The rule of thumb in marketing is that your message needs to be seen 7 times before a viewer takes note. So building multiple types of content is essential for getting your message out there.

Sometimes when we think about content creation we only think about blogs, articles and social media, but there is so much more to content marketing. For example, your content marketing strategy can include…

For more, check out the post by Zazzle and the 101 Types of digital content they found!

Shannon Gonter, LPCC, Owner and Founder of b.mindful Louisville

Shannon Gonter, LPCC, Owner and Founder of b.mindful Louisville

Have additional questions? Feel free to message and ask!

I’m Shannon, a professional counselor and understand the importance of having a safe space to practice in, consulting, networking, having a solid referral list, and being around other like-minded professionals.

If you want to learn more about our rentals, don’t hesitate to reach out to Shannon at or call 502-528-1363. Click here to learn more.